

« Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect »

Mark Twain

That is me. When everyone is herding in one direction, I step back, let them run past, and then walk in a different direction. My name is Sarah Pritchard. Writing is my passion, along with being creative. I have a love of books and intend to produce  a host of online and offline versions,……..


As I am a teacher at heart, as well as by profession, the books will be mainly “how to’s,” but there will be other types of books, fiction and non-fiction, covering a range of subjects including self-development, spirituality, self publishing, children’s books, courses… I will be creating ebooks as well as hard copy books or the like.


I will be presenting you with my works and those of others.

sarahcandle angcp

(Not a good picture of me [but I had been out in the Irish wind and rain at Bunratty], but a great one of the candle! Candle of wisdom? I hope you find it so).

I let the angels guide me.

Find yourself and be yourself. That is what Angel Cuddle Publishing is all about.

Angel Cuddle Publishing

20-22 Wenlock Road,

London, N1 7GU


E-mail: admin@angelcuddlepublishing.com

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